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Lucienne Lovelette TheArtMagazine Collection International, Launches the Premier Issue of their Magazine, on Sunday, September 22 and Sunday September 30, 2013.




"Your Stories, Your Voice, Your Way, Your Style in our Magazine"

is the slogan of this new cutting edge Arts Magazine called Lucienne Lovelette TheArtMagazine Collection International, coming out of Jamaica, to the world from the world .


The purport of the Magazine is to have arts professionals, creatives and anyone with a compelling story, to speak their own truth in their own voices and languages, without translation and without censorship.


Selected participants are designated CONTRIBUTORS to the magazine. Their stories and images are styled and published in a most unique way, as a collection. Contributors are selected from around the world, making it an International magazine of Creative Voices, Images and Ideas.


The magazine focuses mostly on Voices as Written and Spoken Words, Audio and Video. So much so, that the magazine has another slogan; "If you have nothing to say, we won't picture it". Stating that; do not send us just pretty images, we want to hear your stories!


Now, added to all that, the Magazine is FREE to the public, however, there is a donation button on the website for those who wish to contribute.


The Brainchild of this Magazine is the Creative Director and Editor in Chief, Jiivanii RedMarks, a Multidisciplinary Creative Practitioner.


The Magazine can be downloaded from their website Here


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ISSN 0799-3609


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